Monday, April 03, 2006

because... books have feelings too.

Were you ever on an airplane, and you found a book in the pouch in front of you? Or at a coffee shop, did you ever see a discarded book lying around for someone else to pick up?

Some of those thoughtful souls got together and put up a website (the rest of them were just too lazy to carry the poor paperback home). On the site, they call it Book Crossing. You read a book, go to the site and register the book. Then jot down the number they assign the book and put the site's address inside the cover. Leave the book somewhere... and go about your life.

Someday, maybe months or years later, you get an e-mail. An e-mail with a notification that someone else read the same book you released. And then, you could e-mail them, and talk to them about the book. Or just find out how far your book has traveled. The cool part - this person could literally live in Zimbabwe. Or Peru. Or just two blocks down.

And just how amazing would that be?

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