Monday, March 06, 2006

Etiquette for non-readers

Tonight I'd like to talk about a subject that, to be honest, really annoys the fuck out of me.

Let's say that you know a person that reads. Perhaps this gentle soul reads a lot. If, when this person is reading, you say, interrupt them about a thousand god-damn times; and she answers you with short, choppy sentences and then scurries back into the book, there's a really good chance that the book is more interesting than you are. If the person does this, and begins to sigh every time you open your mouth, not only is the book more interesting, you are becoming a nuisance. And, in the event that the person turns away from you and/or leaves the room after answering another of your inane, pointless questions, your fair reader is annoyed to the point of doing violence to you.

So please, for your own safety and the sanity of those that read, take the bloody hint!
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